
In order to run the church, we obviously rely on supporting partners who contribute to the work. Free church community work in Norway has always been based on voluntary donations. And giving service, in the form of tithes and holy gifts, has been central to the practice of Christian life ever since the first church, as described in the Acts of the Apostles.

By supporting us financially, you make it possible for us to maintain and expand our efforts to make the gospel available to people through word and action.

You can donate to account number 3000 16 44560.

You can also use Vipps: #84868 (Sentermenigheten Gift)

Every other service we also collect offerings. You can then either swipe your card, donate via Vipps, or give a cash gift in the collection basket that is passed around.

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Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

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