
Building Church Together

Sentermenigheten is a church made up of people of different ages and from many different cultures. Together, we build the church.

Those who contribute, feel participation. When we study what a congregation is in the Bible, we find descriptions of both the individual and the community. Individuals are described as members of a body, where all are necessary for the whole. Or as stones in a structure, where the strength depends on each one fulfilling their function.

When you contribute, you move from being a passive recipient to an active giver. You become a collaborator. You connect with others to help serve people, and to build a strong congregation.

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Read more about how you can contribute


Voluntary gifts are one of the pillars of the church's work. When we together give money into the work, the congregation can serve people both domestically and abroad. Read more about how you can contribute.


There are many ways to help out at Sentermenigheten. All the volunteers who are engaged in various areas contribute to the church functioning and fulfilling our purpose. Read more about how you can help here.
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Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

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