Our Values

Sentermenigheten aims to help as many people as possible to believe in God, and to become wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ.

To do this, we have defined three key values that are important to us: clarity, generosity, and the presence of God. When these three values are in balance, we believe it creates a good growth environment where one can thrive, grow and develop, and get to know God.


Clarity is about focus on God’s Word and preaching. We know what we believe in, we are aware that God’s Word changes our lives, and we are dedicated to being light and salt in the world. We want to be honest with God and the environment, and we are proud of what Jesus has done. We seek to live according to the revelation that God has given us in the Bible. We shall be clear, but not legalistic.



Generosity is about how we are towards each other and others. Love and care should characterize the relationships. It is allowed to disagree, see things in different ways, be in processes, and be on the way. The Bible describes the congregation as God’s family. As God’s family, we have a common identity with strong ties. Generosity and spaciousness ensure individuality and provide security. We want to stimulate authenticity and give room for distinctiveness. We also want to be popular, speak a language that is easy to understand, have both feet on the ground, and encourage involvement in the world we live in. We will be generous, but not worldly.

Presence of God

Presence of God is about God being present among us with His Holy Spirit. We believe that Christian life is a supernatural life that is lived out in a natural way in everyday life. Jesus is the head of the congregation and is the one who builds, strengthens, protects, and preserves the congregation. We believe in a living God, and we expect that this is noticed when the believers gather. We want to worship God with a whole heart, be open to the guidance and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and believe that God can do the same today as He did when Jesus walked around in Galilee 2000 years ago. We want the presence of God.

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Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

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